Roma face widespread discrimination and racism in Europe


Roma face widespread discrimination and racism in Europe

In parts of Europe, Roma people are widely discriminated against and subject to widespread racism Months of research, carried out by a team of scientists, which involved thousands of interviews with Roma people in…

Ethiopia’s disappearances should shock Canadians into action


Ethiopia’s disappearances should shock Canadians into action

Canada has weighed in, calling for greater vigilance about Canada’s humanitarian obligations, and issuing “an open call for additional humanitarian support.” Yet the Canadian government has until this point failed to do the hard…

Gadgets to impress the paunches of the world


Gadgets to impress the paunches of the world

The holidays are upon us. Time to make some sort of impression on the hopelessly inattentive parents in your life. If you get yourself a bit of a tablet, laptop, or smartwatch, there are…

Protesters march as Tunisian court hears terrorism cases


Protesters march as Tunisian court hears terrorism cases

The government has drawn criticism from human rights groups for the use of military courts to deal with violent crimes committed during the 2011 uprising against the regime of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. The…

In Halloween costumes, 'Oriental' is back


In Halloween costumes, ‘Oriental’ is back

Written by Eunice Oh, CNN We’re familiar with the many masks used by Asian and Asian-American communities to preserve face expressions and identity. But many masked populations in Europe, America and the UK often…

This is the photo I miss most from my father


This is the photo I miss most from my father

My father, Franklin Sims Sims, began his photojournalism career in the 1970s, after he had left the Army in the 1960s. He had been stationed in Europe. He was 23. He had come to…