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‘Autonomous flight’ may require ‘no pilot’ mode to better safety

‘Autonomous flight’ may require ‘no pilot’ mode to better safety

ByJerry03/16/20204 min read

Conventional pilotless airliners could have ‘too easy’ mistakes made with humans, warns expertA high-tech flying machine that adapts to the people in its path and could make “too easy” mistakes…

The magical home of Lehigh Valley magic and a father’s life in the new century

The magical home of Lehigh Valley magic and a father’s life in the new century


After the Statue of Liberty was lit up by a laser light show at the end of July, sold-out crowds flocked to the New York City festival to watch ten…

Jailed drug kingpin pays tribute to Canadian senator

Jailed drug kingpin pays tribute to Canadian senator


Jaime Oliva-Speck-Conley, CNN • Updated 26th October 2018( CNN ) — Jailed Canadian drug kingpin Cody Haevischer, who had been working as a journalist in absentia, paid tribute to a…

14th century Leonardo painting ‘worth £335m’ under doubt

14th century Leonardo painting ‘worth £335m’ under doubt


Image copyright AFP Image caption The painting by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci is already attracting some doubts over its worthA museum which lent out a painting that experts say…